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Password Protecting a PDF

When sending personal information via PDF, it is always best to password protect it. Follow the steps below to do so.


1. Open the PDF document in Nuance PDF. Select the Document drop-down menu: 

Document Bar

2. Click Security from the menu, and Secure Document from that list. Security Bar

3. A menu will appear on the side of the document called Password Security Options. Click the green plus sign.Green Plus Sign

4. A window will open for you to create a New Security Scheme. Name the scheme and add a short description--this is for you to remember the details in the future, so whatever will be helpful for you is best. Click next when you're ready.New Security Scheme

5. On the next page, select 'use password' for security type, and make sure 'save password with scheme' is selected. Click next. Editing a Security Scheme

6. Once you've checked the information on the confirmation page, click finish.

Finish Screen

7. From the security menu, right click on Privacy and select 'apply security scheme,' or double click on 'privacy.' A small window will pop up, and there you will put the password for the document. Make sure you've recorded the password somewhere you can retrieve it, and you're all set.

Privacy Highlighted Menu