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time exposed photo of headlights in urban center

Google Email - Setting Up an Email Signature

Create and add an email message signature with Gmail


You can create personalized signatures for your Cambridge College Gmail email messages. Your signature can automatically be added to outgoing messages, or you can manually add the signature to only the messages that you choose.


  1. Sign into your Cambridge College Gmail account at https://mail.google.com/
  2. Click on the wheel in the upper-right corner of the screen, then select “Settings” from the drop down menu that appears.

  1. Scroll about halfway down the General settings tab to where you can see Signature

4.   Select the field below No Signature to have a signature.  Type the information below into the Edit Signature box. Personalize the elements of the signature with your:

  • First name and last name
  • Title
  • Direct phone number
  • Your extension


Your Name
Your Title
1000 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138 (Or your location)
Direct: (617) 873-0XXX Tel: (617) 868-1000 Ext. XXXX



5.  Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click Save Changes

If you have any issues with the site, technical assistance is always available by:

•           Calling (617) 873-0159 or toll-free at (800) 877-4723 Ext.1159

•           Emailing Helpdesk@cambridgecollege.edu