Our dedication to Racial Equality and Social Justice (RESJ) spans decades. Learn more about our RESJ Initiative

time exposed photo of headlights in urban center

Stephanie Browne

Stephanie BrowneWhat is your title and company name?

Stephanie Browne, Vice President of Talent Acquisition, Chief Diversity Officer

Who or what has inspired you?  

My family legacies.  My maternal grandmother, mother and aunt all were huge role models for me.  All college educated, professional women and entrepreneurs who showed me that I could achieve what ever I wanted.  They paved the way.

What does racial equity and social justice mean to you?  

Racial equity and social justice for me means we live in a world where we can all reach our potential no matter the color of our skin and we are safe from harm by the institutions designed to keep us safe.

What is your favorite book, poetry, documentary or other resource on Black history?  

There isn’t one.  I am a visual learner so watching documentaries from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s on the Civil Rights Movement, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers has shown me that these organizations were all instrumental in achieving racial equity and social justice today. They all had a profound impact on me and their lessons and aspirations guide me today in my work.  My lived experiences were built out of these movements.

When I dream in Black... 

I understand the past, I know what I want my legacy to be and I want little Black girls and boys to grow up healthy, free of racism and have access to education and wealth through their ability to reach their innate capacity.