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How to Become an Applied Behavioral Analyst

People interested in careers in autism services and applied behavior analysis often bring a practicality to their personal calling to work with people diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Without a lot of fanfare, they simply want to focus on what needs to be done to help. In some cases, they have experienced the challenges of autism in the lives of their children or other family members. They also want to work in this growing profession with a high demand for more Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), with good salaries and job security.

How to Prepare for a Career as an Autism / Applied Behavioral Analyst

Your first step in becoming an applied behavior analyst depends upon where you work now and what your academic background is. Choose the career path that best matches your situation:

  1. Grow your career in education through master’s degree with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis.
  2. Change your career and join the fast-growing field by earning a master’s degree for applied behavior analysts.  

What is ABA therapy? If you haven’t spent much time with people who have been diagnosed with autism, it’s a good idea to shadow professionals already working in the field so that you can see what the work is like and the science, strategies, and patience required.

Get started by reading "What is a Behavior Analyst?"

1. Add a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis to Your Career in Education

If you’re already working as a teacher and have a bachelor’s degree in education, then adding an autism and applied behavior analysis program (MEd) is an easy decision and a great way to grow your career in education by using ABA for autism cases — whether you decide to continue working in a school setting or not.

Since many schools and school districts prefer or require their teachers to earn a master’s degree anyway, applied behavior analysis programs that prepares you to work with students diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can increase your job prospects and salary.

Learn more about applied behavior analysis salary ranges

How current teachers can become applied behavior analysts with an autism behavior analyst master’s degree

2. Change Your Career by Adding a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis

Whether you already work in the field of autism or not, you can apply for admissions to applied behavior analysis programs. Simply bring your bachelor’s degree and your interest. You can change your career and become an applied behavior analyst by adding a master’s degree.

Here’s how it works: Successful completion of this program meets the academic requirements to sit for the national Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) exam.

See the full list of required courses for the Master of Education, Autism / Behavior Analyst, degree from Cambridge College

How anyone can become an applied behavior analyst with an autism behavior analyst master’s degree

Request Additional Information From Cambridge College

If you’re looking for a graduate degree that’s affordable, flexible, and respected, Cambridge College welcomes your request for additional information. Our admissions team can provide you details about the admissions process, applying for financial aid, understanding the degree curriculum specifics, and more. We’d be honored to get you started on a career as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). 

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