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time exposed photo of headlights in urban center

Luther, C. David

Senior Instructor
University of Massachusetts Boston
School Affiliation

Cambridge College School of Education

Member, School of Education Professional Development Committee, 2011 - Present

Academic Focus

General science education

Courses Taught

SCI680 Attaining Science Literacy
SCI682 Methods and Materials of Teaching Life Science
SCI790 Practicum
ESE691 Professional Seminar
EHE709 The Interdependence Between the Ecological Environment and Human Health


Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study - University of Massachusetts Boston
M. Ed. - University of Massachusetts Boston
B. S. Ed. - University of Massachusetts Boston


It has been my pleasure to work with adult students who wish to become middle school science teachers.  Having been a science teacher for thirty-five years, I am well acquainted with the challenges of this profession. I have taught all areas in the current Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Frameworks. Additionally, I hold Professional Licensure as a Science Teacher in Massachusetts. I bring this experience to my students at Cambridge College by providing real, hands-on examples of science education.  

I also serve as a Practicum supervisor. The Practicum allows me to provide guidance and support to individuals in a real-world teaching experience. This support involves pedagogical advice as well as classroom strategies for creating a learning environment that fosters interactive learning and respect for student diversity.

Additionally, I serve as an advisor for students working on their Independent Learning Projects. I find this work to be intellectually stimulating and meaningful. The topics are varied and I often find that students are excited to produce an in-depth treatise on a subject of interest to them.  

In addition, I teach the Interdependence of the Ecological Environment and Human Health. This course allows me to make use of my background in environmental science as well as in biology. I appreciate the opportunity to involve health educators in the understanding of both local and global issues.   

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.  --Isaac Newton writing to Hooke about Galileo and Kepler, 1676.

Professional Experience
  • Middlesex Community College Environmental Studies Professor
  • Massachusetts Department of Education, Measured Progress Partners Inc., Alternative MCAS Portfolio Assessor
  • Burlington High School Biology and Environmental Science Teacher
Awards & Recognitions
  • EPA Massachusetts Environmental Educator of the Year
  • Silver Medal and Education Citation for “Henry David Thoreau New England’s First Ecologist”
  • North Shore Science Association Exemplary Teacher Award
  • Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Education Medal
Selected Presentations
  • Presentation at the Walden Woods Project entitled “Henry David Thoreau:  New England’s First Ecologist?”
  • Lecture and Discussion Leader at Thoreau Society Annual Gathering, Concord, MA, entitled “Moonlight, Seashores, and Mountains.”
  • Presentation at the Walden Woods Project entitled “Art and Science:  Where do You Draw the Line?”
Professional Memberships & Affiliations
  • Massachusetts Licenses and Certifications:  Secondary School Administrator, Biology, Earth Science, General Science
  • Massachusetts Teachers Association
  • National Teachers Association
  • Thoreau Society, Credential, Nominations and Elections Committee
  • Walden Woods Project